
Wednesday 12 June 2019

Dance Group So far

Welcome back to my blog Im in the dance group for hornby high  and we peformed in junior Assembly on friday and this is what we have done so far, the song we used for this is called Cut to the feeling Here is the dance i hope you enjoy it.

 Thank you for watching I hope You enjoyed it.


  1. Hey Sis...

    I really like how you put the video on your blog. Maybe next time you could explain how Miss Birtch had to teach us alot and got us up to that stage, Unfortunatly I wasne't there to perform but you guys looked like you were having lots of fun!

    Hope to hear soon!
    - Chloe

  2. Kia ora Haylee,

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching your video. It looks like you are really enjoying the dance group. The choreography was awesome and there are lots of awesome dance moves. The song that you danced to is really catchy. I would love to see some more photos and videos from your dance group.
    Keep up the awesome blogging work.

    Miss Tozer.


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